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National identity and international sportevents

Review Who can represent the nation? by Joost Jansen


Review of Joost Jansen’s 2002 dissertation on the theme of ‘sport and nationality’: Who can represent the nation? Migration, citizenship and nationhood in the Olympic Games. To this end, Jansen conducted research into the nationality of participants in the Summer Olympics from 1948 to 2016 using databases he created. He thus provides a scientific basis for the sometimes flaring social debate about the participation of migrated athletes in international sports competitions.

English version

The digital reissue of the review of Who can represent the nation? by Joost Jansen offered the option of an English version of the original review in Dutch. His articles are also in English and are part of international scientific research into sport and national identity.

A new scientifically substantiated insight versus a somewhat vague ‘public opinion’

The articles on national
identity and moral nationalism
deserved more attention.


The images from the article that are freely reusable as public domain or with a CC0 license and for which source information is not required, but is allowed. The caption and file name contain a reference to the photographer (if known) and collectionowner.

Digital sources

  • Joost Jansen, Sport and nationality: Who can represent the nation? Migration, citizenship and nationhood in the Olympic Games, Erasmus University Repository, (2020)